Friday, November 29, 2019

The Right to Die, and Doctor-Assisted Suicide free essay sample

The Mission of Late Dr. Jack Kevorkian Imagine a patient in a hospital suffering from the AIDS disease. And since his diagnosis he has suffered from two bouts of pneumonia, chronic, severe sinus and skin infections, severe seizures, and extreme fatigue. Seventy percent of his vision is already lost, and the disease has gone terminal. He has requested that his doctor prescribe him medicine that would kill him thus ending his suffering. This is exactly what Dr. Jack Kevorkian has been fighting for his entire life. To shed positive light upon the controversial subject of Physician-Assisted Suicide. A little back story on Dr. Jack Kevorkian. Kevorkian was the son of Armenian refugees who came to America to escape the Turkish genocide. His early talents ranged from hand-made woodwork, linguistics, to science experiments conducted in his basement. He then became a pathologist, devoting his life to the unusual task of showing the positives and social benefits from death. We will write a custom essay sample on The Right to Die, and Doctor-Assisted Suicide or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page He did not just take on the medical establishment and the law; throughout his life he dared to challenge a taboo as old as human civilization – the taboo against death† (Nicol, Wylie 2) Kevorkian was very outspoken and intensely committed to the causes that he believed in. He also lacked the ability to lie, so much, that its said that whenever he played poker with his friends, that he never bluffed, and if he bet everyone else folded. Kevorkian built a machine where patients, through self implanted pumps, have the ability to self-control the does of pain medication that they receive. And now the amount of doctors who quietly comply with a patients request for a lethal does of medication is slowly rising up. Kevorkian made headlines by evading countless prosecutions, but then a case came up that no one could ignore, a case where a man so deteriorated due to his illness, that he could not operate the machine properly requiring Kevorkian to personally inject the lethal dose of medication himself. This mans name is Tom Youk and his case made the biggest impact on Kevorkians life. Youk was diagnosed with ALS, a neuromuscular disorder caused by the death of the motor nerve cells that control voluntary muscle movement. Youks condition got worse and worse, making him unable to move his arms and legs, extreme difficulty in speaking, and having no control of his jaw and tongue causing Youk to choke on his own spit. Every doctor he would visit would just prescribe him a different ineffective pain medication that would do no benefit to his condition. Youk had asked several doctors to help him commit suicide but each one would not help him with his request. Then his family contacted Kevorkian, and after very careful research on Youks medical records, Kevorkian obliged to go through with his treatment. Kevorkian would later say, He just was terrified of choking to death, and he must have felt that he was on the verge of it. And I couldnt have him suffer in that kind of frame of mind because if a man is terrified, its up to me to dispel that terror. † (Nicol, Wylie 9) Through multiple times, Kevorkian made sure that the patient had control over their death, for example, he would hook up a sedative t hat would go through a patients IV, stopping the patients heart if that patient would push a button. Youk was different, because he did not have the ability to physically activate a switch that would release a sedative that would kill him so he requested that Kevorkian would personally give the injection himself. Kevorkians thought on this was that he would make a statement to the public after assisting Youk, win the court case, and then hopefully this would relieve the fear doctors had in doing the things that he did. Kevorkian recorded the process on tape, read a consent form to Youk, and the next following day, upon Youks request, injected the lethal sedative into Youks IV. After the video being released to the public huge debates both medically and legally broke out. Three days later the state of Michigan charged Kevorkian for first-degree murder. When interviewed for ABCs 60 Minutes Kevorkian was portrayed as â€Å"Dr. Death† a man who caused another man to die and did not even seemed bother by it. After several trials, Jack Kevorkian was sentenced to 25 years in a maximum-security penitentiary. His health began to fail when in prison. He broke two ribs after falling in the recreation yard. He suffered from a double hernia, suffered from high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, arthritis, adrenal insufficiency, chronic pulmonary obstruction disease, cataracts, and Hepatitis C. He was suffering the same fate as Tom Youk only this time he had no one to relieve his suffering. By 1999 Dr. Kevorkian became the poster boy for assisted suicide. Physician-Assisted suicide was made legal in the state of Oregon, and 86 percent of the country supported physician-assisted suicide to be made legal nationwide. A lot of people do not know the difference between euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide. â€Å"If a third party performs the last act that intentionally causes a patient’s death, euthanasia has occurred On the other hand, if the person who dies performs the last act, assisted suicide has taken place. † (Hamlon, Marker) There are always two sides to every argument. One who supports a cause and another that opposes the cause. A large group of people are giving their support in trying to legalize physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia nationally. Richard Ikeda, a doctor who cares for low-income elderly patients, has stated, â€Å"When cure is no longer possible, the majority of Californians, and the majority of California physicians, want dying patients to have the right to make end-of-life choices in accord with their own values and beliefs This week [October 27, 2007] completed ten years experience with Oregons death with dignity laws, and all studies show end-of-life care has improved for all Oregonians. † (31) More and more physicians are trying to legalize physician-assisted suicide nationally to benefit for their suffering patients. An example of where physician-assisted suicide would benefit a patient would be Percy Bridgman. Bridgman was a Nobel-Prize winning physicist suffering from terminal cancer at the age of seventy nine. He was wracked with pain and drained of hope that he mustered up the courage to pull the trigger of a gun ending his own life forcing others to the agony of discovering his bloody and mangled body. Another example would be James Poe, who is a sixty-nine year old man suffering from emphysema which suffocates him time to time as well as heart failure due to his pulmonary disease. He must be hooked up to an oxygen tank at all times and needs to take morphine regularly to calm his anxiety due to his suffocation. He is mentally competent and has requested to commit suicide by taking physician-prescribed pills. There are countless more cases where patients would have benefited from physician-assisted suicide or euthanasia. Thomas A. Bowden, a legal analyst at the Ayn Rand Institute, states that individuals actually have the legal right to choose death. What lawmakers must grasp is that there is no rational basis upon which the government can properly prevent any individual from choosing to end his own life. When religious conservatives enact laws to enforce the idea that their God abhors suicide, they threaten the central principle on which America was founded on† (Bowden 36) The Declaration of Independence states that each individual person exists as an end for himself. This means that no one can interfere with this persons right to live or not and that no one may obstruct this persons sense of his own happiness. If happiness were to be blocked by a dreaded disease though, and the end result is a very slow and painful death, then why try to obstruct a persons decision to end their suffering? Society should not have to give anyone the permission to end his or her life, it is their choosing, their right. So a doctor willing to assist a completely mentally sane person to end his or her own life to end at heir suffering due to an illness that is untreatable and non-curable then that doctor should also have the right to do their bidding. Religious conservatives also have no legal right to force their beliefs upon a person if that person wants to end their life to end their suffering. Speaking of religion on the issue, actual ministers and religious people have begin to find loop holes in the text and started to try and prove that physician-assisted suicide was actually very moral. Alvaro Vargas Llosa, senior and director of the Center of Global Prosperity at the Independent Institute, has stated that the religious argument against euthanasia contradicts a Judeo-Christian tradition. The religious argument against euthanasia-that it violates the sanctity of life-contradicts the single most powerful premise of the Judeo-Christian tradition: that God gives every person free will. † (Llosa 69) It basically undermines the belief that the spirit outlives the body. These conservatives are putting mercy on the useless body rather than the everlasting soul that is suffering. A few other contradictions: Jews perishing at Masada rather than being enslaved or Christians martyring themselves rather than betray God by bowing to a Roman deity. The death of a terminally ill patient can lift off the pain and the suffering of not only the patient, but the patients family as well. No more do they have to here their wails of pain or seeing them suffer before their eyes, just the simple fact that they know that their loved one is at peace can bring happiness through the whole family. By making a life and death situation, this person is making a choice to help someone left behind. And helping another brings a higher value to a persons own existence. As Minister Kenneth W. Phifer put it, â€Å"To choose death sooner rather than later can be an act of high moral stature. Mere existence is not an absolute value. † (71) Religious conservatives may have their morals and their excuses as to why physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia may seem sinful within their eyes but these statements listed above has contradicted and proven that a person can still have strong religious beliefs, but still can take consider that physician-assisted suicide is still an acceptable way to relieve themselves of suffering a long awaited and painful death even from their own gods eyes. Today, death is more of an urgent issue due to an increase in medical knowledge and technology. Not all pain can be managed though. No one should have the right to force someone to face grievous pain because they think it is more moral. No one should deny anyone the right to end their own life to end their suffering because it does not seem right in their eyes. â€Å"Furthermore, doctors cannot always be healers. Each of us will come to a point in life when no medical treatment will help us, save perhaps to relieve our pain. At that point, when our condition is terminal, what we need more than anything else is intelligent compassion. (Phifer 77) Sometimes what terminal patients need is not medication to ease their physical pain, but sometimes true compassion and knowing of what they are going through. Medication for the soul to soothe their emotional pain, to help them ease into death peacefully. A lot of doctors do this method called the â€Å"double effect† and religious communities support this. What the â€Å"double effect† is, is that it is a principle where doctors prescribe medication for pain even though they know that the level of medication will kill the patient. Even Pope John Paul II approves of the â€Å"double effect†. It is licit to relieve pain by narcotics, even when the result decreased consciousness and a shortening of life. † (Pope John Paul II, The Gospel of Life). A lot of people argue that if physician-assisted suicide were to be made legal, that there would be an increase in suicides among disadvantaged individuals. Well according to the University of Utah, â€Å"legalizing physician-assisted suicide in Oregon and the Netherlands did not result in a disproportionate number of deaths among the elderly, poor, women, minorities, uninsured, minors, chronically ill, less educated or psychiatric patients. (130) The studies showed that within the ten study groups, only the group with AIDS infected people opted for the use of physician-assisted suicide. â€Å"Whereas modern medicine has brought great benefits to humanity, it cannot entirely solve the pain and distress of the dying process. Each person deals with death in their individual way. Which way is determined by their health, their ethics, and personal living conditions. † (Humphry) It just boils down to how the individual reacts to their condition. If a atient is in such unbearable pain and suffering that they want someone to end their life peacefully to relieve their pain, then so be it. No one should have to force their opinion as fact and not allow the patient to do so because of the doctors or familys belief. It all depends on what that one individual wants. It is their life, let them be in control of it. With every group that is for a cause, there is always a group against the cause as well. And when it comes to euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide, things do not change. With a large support group behind these causes comes a large anti-group too. Trudy Chun and Marian Wallace are writers for Concerned Women for America, a conservative, pro-family, pro-life organization. â€Å"The very laws once deigned to protect a persons inalienable right to life now permit the elimination of those deemed unworthy to live. And in the name of compassion, doctors trained to heal and to prolong life are shortening and even snuffing it out altogether. † (Chun, Wallace 41) Doctors swore an oath to keep a patient alive as much and as long as possible no matter what. Killing a patient on purpose goes against everything a doctor stands for, everything a doctor was trained to do. This oath is called the â€Å"Hippocratic Oath† and within this oath a physician must state, â€Å"I will give no deadly medicine, even when asked. † Physicians are healers and the inability of physicians of preventing death does not mean a physician has the right to cause death. Diane Coleman, and executive director of progress Center for Independent Living, which is a nonprofit nonresidential service and advocacy center operated by and for people with disabilities. Coleman was born with a neuromuscular disability since birth, and was given a life expectancy of twelve years. When she outlived this her diagnosis and expectancy changed as well. Within the next few years she began to develop respiratory problems and began to use a breathing machine at night. â€Å"I had two other friends, one in her 20s and one in her 50s, who needed the same thing. But their doctors discouraged them from it, reinforcing their fears, and either didnt know or didnt disclose what the medical journals said would happen as a result. At an early age they each went into respiratory distress, and died within a month from infections. † (Coleman 190) Doctors today are pushing ways in which to end patients lives shorter rather than prolonging their life and treating their problems to the fullest. Seventy percent of Kevorkians â€Å"terminally ill† patients are said to have not even be terminally ill in the first place, meaning that there was still a chance in saving these individuals lives and if physicians would be allowed to kill their patients on their patients will then a treatment that could actually work may never be found. Ira Byock, director and professor of palliative care at Dartmouth Medical School, states that palliative care should be considered instead of assisted suicide. â€Å"Mortality teaches us a lot about life, if we let it. One thing it teaches is that human life in inherently spiritual, whether or not a person has a religion† (Byock 227) What hospice is, is that it is an end-of-life option. It is meant to bring comfort, dignity, and calmness in dealing with a terminally ill patient. It brings a sense of compassion and respect for the dignity of each individual patient on how he or she deals and encounters death. Instead of prematurely ending another persons life instantaneously, It makes sure the patient lives life to the very last comfortably and lovingly. It gives the patient the peace of mind that he or she has been made to feel as comfortable as possible and peace of mind to their loved ones by knowing that such care is taking place. As with the pro side of physician-assisted suicide, religion plays a huge part in the anti portion. The Christian understanding of humanity insists that we are not autonomous creatures that have the right to determine when we shall live and when we shall die† (Mohler 92) Christians believe that it is Gods duty to determine when a body lives and when a body dies and that if the body were to be slain prematurely at the hand of another person intentionally then that soul would be punished. Religion is an extremely important v ariable when it comes to suicide since suicide is seen to be sinful. Christians believe that life has meaning. That life is not just a course, but a gift. Life is all about experiences and experiences includes good things, happiness, compassion, love, but also experiencing â€Å"the bad too† such as pain, and suffering. In all in all religion is a very important factor since most citizens in America are Christians and with the campaign to legalize euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide continues, these supporters must convince these religious conservatives in order to legalize euthanasia and physician-assisted nationally. Again, with every big controversial topic, there will always be a pro side and an anti side. Each group will have their own very good points being made. But the key idea of physician-assisted suicide would not have been made as popular as it is today without the compassionate, influential, and controversial ideas of Dr. Jack Kevorkian. His compassion for seeking out and showing the public the truth of physician-assisted suicide and the goodness it entails is enticing. The amount of court cases he had dodged and accusations he got away from is still remarkable to this day. Though he was known as â€Å"Dr. Death† as portrayed by the media, people who really knew Kevorkian knew that he was a very humble, kind, and passionate old man just trying to help the unfortunate. And even though he has since passed, there are still plenty, upon plenty of people out there to make it their lifes work to make sure that Kevorkians vision of a nation that accepts physician-assisted suicide as a legal and moral practice to do on suffering terminal patients comes true.

Monday, November 25, 2019

The Revolutionary Trend essays

The Revolutionary Trend essays In every revolution, there seems to be a few guidelines that it must follow. It seems that almost all revolutions, in their radical phases, tend to have the characteristics of excessive cruelty, extreme violence, and denials of the rights of freedom. But the question that befuddles many is why they always become this way. And as the facts are laid out in front of you, the reasons just seem to pop out at you. In every revolution known from history has done some of the same things. In every revolution, there is a point in time where a new form of governing decides to try out a new way of doing something. Whether it be the church being changed to Catholicism, or a new way to rule the country, there are always the people who do not believe that this is the best way to run the government. And with this people many revolts and riots may occur. These cause the people in the country to join in, causing chaos and possibly a civil war. As well as the radical changes being done to the government, there are usually immense changes to the rights of the citizens. As with the French Revolution, all people were referred to as Citizen. Louis the XVI became known as Citizen Capet. Theses new rights that the citizens received or were taken away from caused many uproars. Women in every revolution have tried to advance their rights. This was in hope of gaining true equality with males. Even in modern day, these traits still follow. ...

Friday, November 22, 2019

International Marketing-Core Assessment Term Paper

International Marketing-Core Assessment - Term Paper Example The reduction of the outlet performance due to overcrowding is evident is some parts of the US while in other towns it does not exist making the process complex because of reduced performance of the outlets. In fact, the creation of many outlets in an area reduced the incomes of the outlets by sharing the market among the outlets. The faster rate of growth was affected by the global financial crisis which affected the buying power of the consumers. The development of a strong brand presence and image improved its market share. The green and white package makes Starbucks product identification simple and attractive (Allen, 2010, p. 56). Some customers in the survey of the product indicated their purchase is based on package and not the contents. The provision of diverse range of beverage products offered a platform for growth and expansion. Consequently, the performance of the outlets has increased over the last decade making Starbucks the fastest growing brand in the market. The anal ysis of the company will cover issues of emerging markets, growth strategies, and regional economic and political integration. Likewise, the issues of culture in business performance will be addressed in the process to establish the best possible expansion criteria or process to be employed by the company. The use of expansion strategies such as mergers, acquisition, franchising and exporting will be evaluated to offer recommendations for change and development. Emerging markets After the global financial crisis experienced in 2007 to 2009, changes have been instituted in the financial and banking sectors. The revenue collection of the club was affected by the crisis resulting in the change of taxation. Increase in tax results, in reduction of profit margins of the company. The change in economic growth affects the performance of all the business firms regardless of the specialization. The financial crisis witnessed in the past two years led to closure and withdrawal of companies fr om initially entered markets. The financial crisis brought the need for financial regulation. Higher Interest rates affect the performance of the company by deterring investments. Economic change can have adverse change in the performance of any business. Inflation leads to increase in higher wages due to increased living standards (Shaw, 2011, p. 67). Strong currency conversion affects exportation of products. In the next three years, the company will face the entire economic factor at varying degree. The most significant one is the increasing inflation which leads to rising of the wage level thus increasing the production costs of the company. Despite the negative effect of inflation, it is worth mentioning that the financial report provided indicates, there will be an increase in the living standard resulting, in the increase in purchasing power of the population. The organization has a strategic review and planning will be able to benefit from the focused improvement in the nati onal earnings. The strategic direction chosen by the management will facilitate growth because it takes into consideration the issues that can negatively affect the business performance. The global market is an external factor affecting the business. Yips global strategy frame work deals with the evaluation of the potential market and constraints of the global market. The frame work developed by Yip includes the analysis of position and resources of the

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Economics Extanded Essay, Coursework for the IB Essay

Economics Extanded , Coursework for the IB - Essay Example Irrespective of the product or service that is being studied; it is apparent that all of a sudden the information flow has become more rapid, regulatory structures more oriented to free market structures and the movement of capital and permission to access local markets freer. This has prompted national businesses to target global businesses and the global businesses to target national markets. However lumpiness in the control of market shares is seen as yet which has tended to be diluted monopoly or monopolistic controls of the past and the structures have tended to turn, in general, to oligopolistic structures. Banking industry is no exception. Main features of banking industry, irrespective of jurisdiction have been a long standing history of business, ready demands for its products and services (baring economic downturns) and specific protection enjoyed from the national governments It has experienced a more benign and structured capital adequacy regimes in the form of Basle I an d now Basle II apart from a host of other suggestive and market discipline based stipulations. Fact remains that banks enable target customers to do the essential functions of saving, investing and storing money or money equivalents and therefore banks tend to have a loyal and core segment of consumers on most jurisdictions where they have chosen to operate. Spanish banks are no exception. This has spurred market control strategies from the banks and these strategies coalesce to determine as to what exact form of market does the banking industry of a particular time looks like. Literature has often pointed out to the extent of competition in the banking industry: "Competition has become a recurrent topic in the banking literature. Specifically, during the last decade a great deal of empirical work has attempted to measure the level of competition prevailing in European banking markets. The beginning of the third stage of the Economic and Monetary Union, in January 1999, and the proj ected changeover to the Euro triggered the interest of researchers in this issue" (Rozas, 2007). This paper has the objective of examining the Spanish banking industry and to ascertain, if over the years, such an industry has come to acquire the market form of an oligopoly. This done through an in depth literature review where major arguments are sourced and analyzed and conclusion arrived ,on the basis of such an analysis, if the present day Spanish banking industry resembles a oligopolistic structure. Research Methodology Competition studies in banking industry of various jurisdictions is a very well thought out and researched topic and the literature in this area is rich with several aspects being already examined through deep empirical and theoretical research. Literature also has in store several models of depicting the shape and structure of the markets in which banking industry of a particular jurisdiction finds itself apart from listing and analysis of the various important factors that have caused the present

Monday, November 18, 2019

Writing the History of the Australian Frontier Essay

Writing the History of the Australian Frontier - Essay Example However, Reynolds denied the claim by Windschuttle and stood by his original estimate. Thus, there started a conflict between the two distinguished figures over the number of Aboriginals killed in the frontier. "This skirmish was the first in what has since become known as the Aboriginal history wars. Windschuttle fired more shots in articles in the last four issues of Quadrant in 2000. Reynolds returned fire in a major article in the March 2001 issue of The Australian Review of Books. And there have been carefully staged verbal skirmishes in venues like Gould's Book Arcade in Sydney, on ABCTV Lateline and at the National Press Club in Canberra." (Ryan 2001, P. 31). Therefore, there has been a significant conflict of ideas and arguments by Henry Reynolds and Keith Windschuttle on the topic of writing the history of the Australian frontier and it is essential to comprehend the main areas of disagreement and agreement between the two. This paper undertakes an exploratory analysis of th e major arguments by Reynolds and Windschuttle in order to identify the major areas of disagreement and agreement between them, the evidence provided by each of them to support his position, and the utility of Ryan’s article to comprehend the realities of this controversy.... h Windschuttle has been their positions on the number of causalities in the Australian frontier and the two proposed significant substantive evidences to argue their positions. According to Reynolds, "It seems reasonable to suggest that Aborigines killed somewhere between 2,000 and 2,500 Europeans in the course of the invasion and settlement of the continent. There were many hundreds of others who were injured and carried both physical and psychological scars for the rest of their lives. Calculating the Aboriginal death toll is much more difficult For the continent as a whole it is reasonable to suppose that at least were killed as a direct result of conflict with the settlers." (Reynolds 1981, P. 99). Therefore, he mainly argues that the casualties can be calculated around 2,000-2,500 Europeans, and it is much more difficult to calculate the Aboriginal death toll. He also ascertains that Tasmania documented the conflict better than anywhere else in the country and Ryan's estimate of 800 is possibly more precise than the other estimations. The secondary effects of the invasion include disease, deprivation, and disruption which were responsible for the premature deaths of many more people and it is not possible to arrive at a realistic figure on the question. Windschuttle confronted the views by Reynolds on the number of deaths in the Australian frontier and his article "The Myths of Frontier Massacres in Australian History," claimed that many massacres of Aborigines in the Australian frontier were fabricated pointing out that the number of casualties in the frontier was far fewer than estimations of Henry Reynolds. He also disagrees with Reynolds' argument that the number of the Aborigines who died defending their territory outnumbers, in both relative and even

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Malaysian Film Industry Construct Malaysian Identity Cultural Studies Essay

Malaysian Film Industry Construct Malaysian Identity Cultural Studies Essay Malaysia is a Multiple ethic country, but the interesting situation is , the race that dominant the country are all imigrant, the malay was come from the Javanese. The Chinese is come from China and Indian people come from India. but nowadays they all citizen of the country, with these alieness history, how should Malaysian define their national identity? We have just celebrated the 25th anniversary of our independence. During this quarter ccentury we have reached a level of achievement which we can be proud of. We have succeeded in laying a strong foundation for the evolvement o f One citizenry, One language and One culture. It is on this foundation that we build a greater Malaysia.'(Malaysia : Crisis of Identity p8) What Malaysia needs are moderates of ends and not moderates of means who are eventually wMalaysia, an Indian Malaysia, a Malay Malaysia but a Malaysian Malaysia where the different races, languages, religions and cultures can flourish in Malaysia.'(p3) The first quote was adderssed by the BN Gorvenment after they win the election in 1982, at that days the gorvernment suggested the idea of Assimilation: A + B + C = A, where A, B, and C represent different social groups and A represents the dominant group. The subordination of minority cultures into a dominant culture.This approach may be likned to what some have called forced assimilation ((Alison Gibson. 1984. p 105) (National culture and democracy , Kua kia soon, p133) . The second quote was the respond from the people, espeacially the Chinese which represent the idea of Pluralism: A + B + C = A + B + C, where A, B, and C represent different social groups that over time maintain their unique identities. Cultural pluralism is fre-quently seen as a peaceful coexistence between groups. All cultures are to be allowed to exist separately and equally, harmonious or not. The harmonious version has been termedunity in diversity. (Alison Gibson. 1984. p 105) (National culture and democracy , Kua kia soon, p133). You can image when this two idea bump together, how much chaos it will make. The Malaysian have stay in this juncture for over 50 years, it is necessary to identify briefly the advocacy of various positions on National identity. First, i will discuss about what is National Identity, And then i will explore how the Malaysias film industry construt the image of Malaysians National Identity, And how the image change through the decade. What is National Identity. National identity is a complex idea, National identity erase difference by imposing a set of attributes on all menbers of the nation and unwilling ness to accept all these attributes threatens identity and therefore threatens expulsion from that community.(p62) The idea of erase all the difference doesnt mean to erase other culture, but erase any other identity that create by any individual group in the country because these are a power that will cause expulsion . National identity is one idea that can accept by all the individual group, and gather them in to one voice. National identity is only one of the many social identities available for citizens of multicultural countries such as Malaysia.National identity has a central role in promoting peaceful ethnic relations. (Malini ratnasigam, p3) In the book Ethnic relation and Nation Building Malini Ratnasingam claim that the national identity is the best form of identity should adapt by the Malaysian, beacause the other social identity content too much category that will tear the Malaysian into many individual pieces, but national identity will work well for the Malaysian, Because nation are crossed by those differences , a force of unite, a sense of belonging and nationess. So now we understand what is national identity. But now the question is who should decide what is our identity? At the begining of this dissertation, there are the arguement about chosing which idea shall we adapt, Assimilation or Pluralism? The nation is imagined because the members of even the smallest nation will never know most of their fellow-members, meet them, or even hear of them, yet in the minds of each lives the image of their communion. (Benedict Anderson, p60) From the quote Benedict Anderson belieave that the nation is about all the member, even the smallest nation. National identity is a image that can imagined by every single nation. But In the book Cultural Contestatation author Zawahi Ibrahim disagree with andersons concept and suggested that the identity formation takes place within what he would call a two social reality which are authority-defined social reality, one which is authoritatively defined by people who are part of the dominant power structure. The second is everyday-defined social reality, one which is experienced by people in the course of thier everday life. These two social realities exist side by side at any given time. (Zawahi Ibrahim, 1998 ,pg18) The identity is a negotiation between these two social reality. How Malaysia film Indutry construt Malaysians National identity The Malaysian film indutry was founded on Chinese money,Indian imagination and Malay labour(Hamzah hussin,1994 ,p105) Although outside the screen, there are wonderful mullti cross ethnic relation on the movie production, but almost all the film are Malay movies. The only thing that really can consider as multi racial is the Old malay movie industry have strong influnce from indian bollywood style beacuse of the director, but very less of them had really mention about the multi ethnicity or religious relation. I chose to call this book 120 malay movie, because more than half of the movies were made before Malaysia was even created.(Plus they were made in Singapore) So what they have common were the languague and ethnic milieu they showcased. (120Malay movie , p26) The autor of 120 Malay Movie clearly state that the early film industry in Malaysia cant even consider Malaysias movie, It is only presented the early life of Malay in Malaysia, it maybe a very well materials for the Malaysias Malay identity, but obviously not suite the idea of National identity. But now it raise a question ,if the national indentity include everything, dont the Malay culture also part of the national identity? Yes, but now we talking about how the film industry help construt the national identity, at the old time, the Malay film are totally dominanted the film industry, which give an idea of the impression of the nation have owned by Malay, In the film Tajul Ashikin (see figure 1) there was a scene where two men try to peddle thier wares, but thier voices are drowned out by a newly arrived Chinese team that is offering dental services. This shows the Malay fear of being displaced in their own land by new arrivals who seem to be much better at buiness. (p25,120Malay Movie) Figure 1 Tajul Ashikin by M Amin But at that time, the stark economic disparity between Malay peasants and Chinese merchants didnt seem to have undue political repercussions because the populationwas sparse and times were good (120 Malay p269). So the movie show the worry of the Malay sovereignty instead of promoting peaceful ethnic relations. With this idea, it help to destroy the national identity instead of construt it. But still there is some exception.There is still some other racial tension pop up in these movie. On the film Mahsuri which release in 1959 (see fiugre 2), there was a part about a merciless indian teasing by the Malays about his skin colour. (p165) The plot is meant to be funny, in fact, it was directed by an Indian. Ethnic conflict often appear in Malaysian daily life, we can not avoid it, but we can face it with great attitude. This plot showed an attitude to face the difference between every ethnic, just laugh at it. Figure 2 Mahsuri by BM Rao The next film that have the multi ethnicity it is Ali Baba Pucang Lapok directed by Malaysian silver-screen legend P. Ramlee at 1960, P.Ramlee are one of the minority inside that can create the sense of Malaysianness in the movie in the decade. The movie itself are deliberate mish-mash of culture, inside the movie you can see different kind of culture image. But the most surprise scene will be when the Chinese trader being asked how long he have lived in the area, he answer that he have lived here for 80years, he not only counted his own 50 years age, but add up his father.(see figure 3) Figure 3 The Chinese trader said that his father lived there 30 years before he borned. This blurs the line between immigrant and native and it is precisely this blurring that must continue untill all Malaysian feel they have the same stake in the nation. (p26, 120 Malay Movie) It is hardly seen a movie have such multi culture in Malay old film. The national identity is to create a sense of nation, it only can be done when the have the idea that the land doesnt owned by anyone, but they were all born equal in this place. This movie successfully deliver the message. and helped construct the sense of nation, althought it is only one short scene, but it is still a big step for the Malaysias industry at the decade. Another film also directed by P.Ramlee Sesudah Sebuh (see figure 4), The most multi cultural cast we have ever seen. said the Author of 120 Malay Movie Amir Muhammad. The Main cast include the 3 main race of Malaysian, Melayu, Cina and indian. And a conversation in the movie, create am ideal racial integration, In a bookshop by a customer to the owner :Even though youre Malay and im Chinese, we are both Malaysians. And Malaysians have a duty to help each other. The Idea cant be more clear, its simple and directly pointing the ideal without any decoration. Figure 4- Sesudah Sebuh directed by P.Ramlee Although there are some more film that really promotiong the ideal natiaonal identity for Malaysian, but these number are still only a drop in the bucket. There are still mile a part to fill the whole bucket. But atleast we can see the root of the idea of national identity growing inside. When it come to 1970s, the idea of multic ethic face a challenge. The 513 incident had drag the ethic relation into crisis situation. The racial riots led to a declaration of a state of national emergency. The riot ignited the capital Kuala Lumpur and the surrounding area of Selangor, Malay mobs, wearing white headbands signifying an alliance with death, and brandishing swords and daggers, surged into Chinese areas in the capital, burning, looting and killing. In retaliation, Chinese, sometimes aided by Indians, armed themselves with pistols and shotguns and struck at Malay kampongs (villages). Huge pillars of smoke rose skyward as houses, shops and autos burned.(,9171,900859,00.html) Tunku Abdul Rahmans multiracial style of government was successful until serious and widespread anti-Chinese riots broke out in May 1969. These riots followed a fall in support for the United Malays National Organization (UMNO) in the federal election and were indicative of Malay resentment of the economic success of the Chinese business community. ( After the incident, the gorvernment came up a serial of policy that surpress the other ethnic, in order to restructure Malaysian society. The UMNO-dominated states aggressive attempt to conflate the nations linguistic identity with Malays status as the sole nationaal and official language threatened the constitutionally sanctioned freeedom to use thier mother tongue.'(Milthiethnic, pg220) The pro-Malay policy. The most significant result of the events of May 1969 was an attempt, announced in the five-year plan (1971-75), to restructure Malaysian society. The aim was to raise the percentage of ethnic-Malay-owned businesses from 4% to 30% by 1990, and to extend the use of pro-Malay (bumiputra) affirmative-action quota systems for university entrance and company employment. Economic expansion, it was hoped, would greatly ease this redistributive process and at the same time offer the opportunity to eliminate poverty among all Malaysians. ( The National Cultural Policy(NCP) was formulated at a congress held at the University of Malaya in August 1971, and the announced Policy consisted of three main principles. The national culture of Malaysia must be based on the cultures of the people indigenous to the region; Elements from other cultures,which are suitable and reasonable may be incorporated into the natioonal culture; and Islam will be an important element in the national culture. (Mohad Talib Osman, pg95 ) All of these policy indirectly influence the relation between ethnic, all the unequal act make the ethnic hatred grown day by day. Causing the idea of national identity start changging. The change of the society have brought into the film industry , the multi ethnic that rarely seen from the film before 1970s completely obliterate after these policy untill recent years. Before then we have Malay culture dominant film industry. The segregate can also see from the statistics that correlate cinema atendance by ethnic groupwith the national or language origin of the film being viewed. (see figure 5) LanguageEthinic Malay Chinese Indian/Other Malay 23% 0% 1% Chinese 7% 81% 0% Indian 34% 1% 83% English 35% 18% 16% Figure 5 Language distribution of cinema attendance by ethinic group (1979) The quetion of the cultural identity of Malaysian film is a constant issue, even for the least culturally minded film producer, since it is related to the need to attract a broad-spectrum audience.It is still the case that more than 90% of audience for Malaysian films is Malay (Malaysia Cinema Asian film, pg154) From the statistic we can see that Bahasa Melayu cinema is a weak cultural force, despite the Malays being the most powerful political force in the counry. At that time, The chinese usually watch the Hongkong or Taiwanese films ; or the second choice will be the English Language film, but not Bahasa Malayu film. The same situation happen with the Indian autience. cinema is probably the most raciallly segregated activity in the country today'(Mansor bin Puteh, 1990, pg154) On top we discuss about crisis of ethnic realation that cause restrict the multi ethnic movie culture. In 1981, the idea of Malay sovereignty that set by the gorvernment start to invade the movie industry. National Film Development Corporation (FINAS) was established in 1981 to encourage the development of the local industry. ensure that a sizeable portion of the total volume of buimess done in the production, distribution and exhibition sectors would be handled by Malays'(Baharudin Latif, 1981, pg150) Control and restrict from the gorvernment have caused the other ethnic have lower chance to make their own movie, and also restricted the creativity of theme or topic. All of these restriction had bring the Malaysia film industry far away from their Golden age in 1950s -1960s. Film are censored or banned if it oppose government polucy or encourage anti-gorvernment feeling; glorify communism and socialism; glorify any particular race while denigrating others; gloriy crime and immorality; deal with sadism, cruelty and excessive violence; insult public dignity ; and show behavior not acceptable to Malaysian society (Mohd Hamdan Bin Haji Adnan, 1991) These policy had make the Malaysian confuse and question about thier naional identity, the policy have succesfully incite the desire of Malay that persuit for Malay sovereignty, the other ethnic like chinese and indian felt betray by the country, when there is no nation pride in them, the National identity become dominant by the Malay, and become the image that shown by the Movie industry, but it is not the image that the nation share along, from (figure 5) we can see the local Malay film have not accepted by the other ethnic. so it is not a National identity of that decade, the film on that decade have lose the concept of being a National cinema. The cinema is then a mean of speaking the nation in all its constructed uniqueness. The connection between speaking the nation and selling the nation become all the more invitable when the rhetoric of both nationlism and marketing emphasize qualities of uniqueness, distinctiveness and patriotism. The term representing the nation there fore accuires and ecmonomic as well as an analytical and cultural objective it is not just how a cinema represents the nation, but also how successfully it does so. (Malaysia Cinema , pg 107) New Malaysian Film The decade of Malaysian film might look like a decade that have controled by Malay, and their the relation with other ethnic race doesnt seem well. Althought the realation between the different ethnic group are peaceful in decade before 1960s, but the policy in 1970s created an long fight between ethnic group. Race has always been an issue in my country, even before independence but never has it been as serious and divisive as it is today.Almost every issue is seen from the perspectivve of race to the point where it is impossible to obtain a consensus of public opinion on any issue'(Kee Thuan Che,1993,p57) But where there is pressure, where there is resistance. The serious situation also created a trend, Never has it been as desire as today, people pursuit for the unity of the Nation. In the book Found in Malaysia have interviewed 54 influential Public figure who have different race, religion, culture, gender, sexual,genarational and political. But when it come to the question: Describe what kind of Malaysia you whould like for yourself and future generation? They all gave a same answer in many different way, but in the end, the main idea is the same. All of us regardless of racial/ethnic, regious, class and linguistic backgrounds, share one thing in common : we are all Malaysian citizens and we call this country our home and care for its future. We dream of future Malaysia that is equal to all, but takes into acount ourparticular wants, needs and aspirations and at the same time, is able to cater to the needs of others according to an inclusive logic of equal representation and equal right.(Azizi Khan, 2004, pg475) The idea become a trend, and start to appear in the recent ten years. Beacuse the inrternet have start to cover all the new genaration daily life. Internet is one of the most powerful sources in human history, the information can share in rapid speed, milllion of personal narratives or popular forms of expression which help construt the everyday-defined social reality was shared everyday. Causing the Balance between the authority-defined social reality and everyday-defined social reality started to change. So we will start from Malaysia Independence Film Industry, which have well used the internet as a state for them to spread thier idea and story . The first example for indipendence film is the Project 15 Malaysia . 15Malaysia is a short film project. It consists of 15 short films made by 15 Malaysian filmmakers. These films not only deal with socio-political issues in Malaysia, they also feature some of the best-known faces in the country, including actors, musicians and top political leaders. You may think of them as funky little films made by 15 Malaysian voices for the people of Malaysia. ( From the project name we can know that this film is dedicate to show 15 kind of story that happened in Malaysia. I going to take a few of them into discusstion. First i will start with the personal narrative story. House is a story about an indian family forced by the capitalist to give up their house for development, and also show the feeling of the indian kid(Rama) toward the house is more then a house, but a family.(see figure 6) The story attempt to explore the story inside the slums usually the indian race who have many family suffer with these problem in order to let the audience understand the country more. Figure 6 Rama express his feeling about the house. We will strat from Yasmin Ahmadm (see figure 6), Malaysias famous film director, writter and scriptwriter, in Malaysia, most of the ethnic used to avoid each other but inevitably bump together, no one can avoid, because this is just what live in Malaysia are look like, And most of her film are challenging the moment when different ethnic bump together, she narrate the spark of the moment and turn in into a moving picture. When most of the popular cultures movie deliberately avoid the ethnic conflict, her films break the boundary between ethnic and religion. She focus on emotion and the relationship between people, narate and present the story in a human perspective, not in Malay, Chinese or Indian, but back to the origin human emotion. It makes the audience to rethink about politic, religion and social issues in indirectly ways. The more we understand each other, the less we affraid. She is an ambassador of unity. An individual with amazing foresight who; work has bridged all the races in the country. Great loss to the nation and the creative world.'( Chandran Ravi. Figure 6 Yasmin Ahmad Yasmin Ahmad first movie Sepet(see figure 7) is a story about a Chinese boy fall in love with a Malay girl. This might look normal in foreign country, but the relation between Chinese and Malay is not simple. Figure 7 Sepet The relation between Chinese and Malay always been complicate, that hatred between both of this race happen before incident 513, when in World war 2, the Japan invade and ruled this country for over 3 years. on that period, the Japanese surpress the Chinese but treated the Malay friendly and even form a Malay army to defence againts the communist, but who is communist? At that time many Chinese were the communist, the root of hate were start from here, and Malays fear of get replace by the Chinese in the econimic, then is the 513 incident, the unequal policy, Chinese fear of forced to join muslim if married a muslim and etc. All of these caused the relation between this two race are always controvertial. In the movie Sepet that is a scene the Protagonists(Jason) friend try to persuade Jason the relation between him and Heroine(Orked) is forbiden. Which clearly potrait the mind set of Chinese about the relationship of the interacial couple. (See figure 8 ). Figure 8 Keong (left) advices Jason not to get involved in relationship with Malay girls. Yasmin Ahmad used the traditional perception of Malaysians and confronted it in her movie. It cant be denied that she used a very creative way to show the relationship between history culture and innocent love. Malay films seldom touch on taboo topics like alcohol, dog, prostitution, suicide, etc. Many of the Malay films only showed the good side. Much of the time, they are hindered by those issues. But Yasmin Ahmad used reverse psychology to bring out the negative issues, because there are many grey areas to investigate in Malaysian culture. The following are some of the taboos in Malay tradition that is shown in the movie Muallaf (2007). A Muslim woman who despaired on her marriage ended up taking her own life by suicide. Young Malays play and get drunk in a snooker room. An Islam teacher touched a dog on his way to mosque. A sincere Malay Muslim girl works in a pub at night. These issues are a challenge to the traditional Malay society. However, the tasks that she undertakes must be lawful from the point of view of Islam. She must not work as a dancer, a model, a barmaid, a waitress, a film actress, a musician, or a prostitute to sell her femininity in order to make money, even with the consent of her husband. (A. Rahman I. Doi, 1990:147). Yasmin Ahmads movies use the sensitive issues faced by Malays as a discussion. Talking about sensitive issues is very challenging, especially on ethnicity. But it depends on how the director presented it. How much can the audience accept it, based on the issues? Yasmin Ahmand film has a power of introspection, Yasmin Ahmad film dig into the confilct between ethnic group instead of try to avoild these sensitive issue like other, Yasmin Ahmad bring the conflict right into audience eye without beautify it, only with the simplest emotion of human being, a way that lead us to undestand empathy. Only when Malaysian strong enough to really face themselves, then we can form our Identity Honestly. The next case will be opposite of Yasmin Ahmad film.Yasmin Ahmad film represent the reality side of ethnic conflict, now we are going to see the Malaysian utopia. Nasi Lemak 2.0(see figure 9) is directed by a controversial public figure Namewee, who have temper the national anthem and content with rasict, critic to gorvenment and religion in 2007. The song Negarakuku drag the attention of public, Public reaction towards the song is split, Immediate reactions in the form of YouTube comments range from being critical, in fair agreement, support, attacks and threats towards Wee. He became One of the most haterd public figure by the Malay ethnic at that time. Figure 8 Nasi Lemak 2.0 Nasi Lemak2.0 is the first Malaysian film that did not target one of the three population groups as its audience. And succesfully hit 7million ringgit gross. The movie is have many plot that content the relation between the different ethnic for example: the bright non-Muslim students unable to enroll into universities, authorities bias in favour of Malays, Chinese educated citizens speak poor English, immigrants issues, Hang Tuahs unsolved identity mystery, English educated Chinese lack of confidence in speaking Chinese language, Kuala Lumpur a busy and unsettling city, some non-Chinese could speak better Chinese, mix of Indian and chinese song, and culture of Baba and Nyonya. Different with Yasmin Ahmad film, althought in Nasi Lemak2.0 there is still some ethnic conflict, but most of the time, it show a utopia of how Malaysia ethnic group interact with each other, and create a whole new kind of culture. The song Curry Neh (see figure 9 ) in the movie, mixed the chinese and indian culture, There is more example like, the Malay chef teaching chinese matial art Taichi at the park (see figure 10) or the chinese tradition song sing with english lyric(figure 11). Attempt to question why cant a specific ethnic learn the culture of other ethnic. Figure 9 Curry Neh Figure 10 Malay teaching Taichi Figure 11 Tradition Chinese song sing with English Lyric The film was success because the intereact of different ethnic causing resonance among the Malaysian, the way of acting and some humour about the Malaysias gorvernment or stereotyping of ethnic is what Malaysia face in daily life. The second film of Namewee is Hantu gangster (see figure 12). The film continue the style of Nasi Lemak 2.0. Hantu gangster attempt to send the message of Nation unity before 1970s, and question about why todays ethnic relation become worst. The film style is same with Nasi Lemak2.0 The idea is the same but only the story had change, there are many ethnic intereact like Chinese only understand Malay when it speak in chinese accent, a Taoist priest that know different religion style of exorcism, a parody of the 513 incident, and a Indian Party song with Malay, Mandarin, Hokkien, Tamil lyric, etc. These ethnic mixture is what Malaysian Interested, although reality might not be the same, but from the sucess of these film we can see the future that Malaysian persuit, the future that Malaysian image. Figure 12 Hantu Gangster 2012 Conclusion Malaysia is a young country, there is many thing we have to experience to understand what are we today, what will be out future. Today Malaysia is in a turning point, where the politic have a new Atmosphere which will directly influence the authority-definedsocial reality. And the development of internet, liberty of speech help people to understand their capability, have the way to stand up and express thier emotion and their story, i believe in the future, when the authority-defined and the everyday-defined have found a way to line up, Malaysian will no longer quetion their identiry. References: (benicdic anderson)

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Ideal Hero :: essays research papers

There is always a common, ideal, hero a person may have in may have in mid. One might stereotype against the sex of the imaginative ideal hero to finalize their judgement on whether they will have the qualities of being a true hero. Having the same cultural perception will 'box out' other ideas that another person may have suggested. Relying on these stereotypes brought out by others, we are able to use them to build our own stereotypical understanding of a hero. But the true question is, how are they brought up to be a hero? The common stereotypical view of a true hero would tend to be big and muscular. Never will you see a small and skinny boy walking into a free falling ton of bricks to save his loved ones. Take 'Superman' for example, he would be seen to have the qualities of what a true hero would strive for. The quality in which only a male would suit for stereotypically, as for women they are more commonly seen to be less heroic and more of a household slave. Heroes would commonly be seen to be male as they would have the courage to fight for what he believes in. They aspects of which we can only see in a male as they are more commonly seen to come back home with a female at his hand to massage him and feed his needs. Males and females are quite the opposite in what they look for in each other. A male would look for a nice innocent, good looking girl, where as a female would want to look for a man who is strong and will protect her at any means. This then comes to show how females then become reliant on a male for her safety needs. Heroes always start from the somewhere and then train till they reach the needed standard where they are then needed to protect their city. Having the abilities, they still must train to maintain the control over the power they now possess. Spiderman is an example, he once was originally a young man whose goal was just to get into university and study science, while on an excursion to a museum he was bitten by a venomous spider, having no life taking effects but instead turning him into a man who now possesses spidery features. Then once having control over the power he now possesses he must arise at every moment where his city and loved ones may run into danger.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Discussion About Genetically Modified Foods Essay

Outline Introduction a. The genetically modified foods are a long issue which is widely debated. b. People feel confused about their safety. I. Views a. ) Magana-Gomez’s argument. b. ) He argues that negative effects of GM food were identified â€Å"at molecular and microscopic levels†. c. ) Curieux-Belfond CL contends that the benefits of genetically modified foods far outweigh the disadvantages. II. Genetically modified foods: Beneficial views & Adverse views a. What is the possible risk for genetically modified crops considering nutrition and health? b. Whether the economic effects are the most important?c. Will it bring severe environment problems? III. Arguments for beneficial effects of GM foods a. Firstly, transgenic technology has made considerable progress in food applications. b. Transgenic food has successfully lowered food prices and ensured food safety. c. GM foods significantly reduce the environmental impact of agriculture. Introduction The author, Magana-Gomez, critically analyzed the risk assessment methods of transgenic food for human nutrition and health in the paper, â€Å"Risk assessment of genetically modified crops for nutrition and health†. Magana reviewed various modes including different feeding period, animal modes and parameters in the paper published in 2011 by Nutrition Reviews (Magana G, 2009). In consistent with his studies, negative effects of GM food were identified â€Å"at molecular and microscopic levels†. However, with our entry into the 21st century, genetically modified foods have undergone even faster development. However, there are also many doubts about the safety of genetically modified foods. Therefore, genetically modified foods have become a hot topic issue. Personally, although there are many controversies about GM food, I still insist on the research and promotion of transgenic food due to its diverse benefits. Views According to Curieux-Belfond CL, he could identify the factors that deserve consideration before â€Å"commercialization and promotion of transgenic food† (182). In this paper, â€Å"Factors to condider before production and commercialization of aquatic genetically modified organisms: the case of transgenic salmon†, the author took transgenic salmon as an example, in which Curieux-Belfond examined the corresponding impacts in terms of aquaculture, wildlife, ecosystem and human health. The paper published in 2011 by Evironmental Science & Policy suggested that GM food undoubtedly contributed to economic benefits without exerting too much extra burden (Curieux B, 2009). In the end, the author believed that the benefits of genetically modified foods far outweigh the disadvantages. Analysis of the benefits of genetically modified foods Magana’s argument is persuasive when he assessed the risks about GM food. However, since genetic engineering techniques have successfully transferred anti-viral, insect resistance, cold resistance and other genes to cotton, wheat, tomatoes and other plants, we can get stable new varieties of genetically modified, with low production cost and high-yield food, which will ease the world food shortage and reduce the use of pesticides to a large extent. Based on the above reasons, I will provide a critical analysis with the following specific examples which show his argument is partially wrong. Firstly, transgenic technology has also made considerable progress in animal food applications. At present, a variety of mammal and bird genes are successfully integrated into the genome of fish, which can significantly enhance transgenic fish muscle protein content and improve growth speed. With the development of genetic engineering technology, people have been freed from natural enzymes to a large extent. Especially when the enzyme obtained from natural protein material encounters difficulties, genetic engineering has the unique advantages of natural gene cloning (Seralini GE, 2011). Thus, it can be highly expressed in microorganisms with mass production by fermentation. At present, the transgenic enzymes are widely used in the food industry, such as maltose enzymes amylase, pectinase and the juice protease. The food nutritional quality modified by genetic engineering has also made remarkable achievements. For instance, the genetic engineering technology has been applied for seed protein improvement, which renders it possible to change the plant composition and amino acid content. Secondly, transgenic food has successfully lowered food prices and ensured food safety, which helps increase production and food supply while reducing the farm labor and pesticide applications, agricultural inputs and production costs (Weasel LH, 2009). In the future, GM crops have great potential in solving the food crisis. For instance, by applying transgenic technology to the human staple foods of rice and wheat, people can increase food production and improve nutritional quality, which will provide mankind with higher-quality food. Furthermore, GM foods have also proved effective in alleviating poverty and hunger. The world’s poorest 50% of the population are small and resource-poor farmers, while 20% living in rural areas without their own land actually depend on agriculture. Therefore, the increase in small-scale and resource-poor farmers’ income will directly assist 70% of the world’s poorest people (Curieux-Belfond O, 2009). So far, genetically modified cotton in India, China and South Africa have already made a significant contribution to more than 1. 2 million poor farmers’ income. The benefits of genetically modified corn in the Philippines and South Africa will be much clearer in the future. In addition, genetically modified rice has great potential to benefit 250 million poor families in Asia, whose benefits will reach 10 million people (Curieux-Belfond O, 2009). Transgenic food also helps to reduce land development. Transgenic technology has been developed to improve the current 1. 5 billion hectares of arable land productivity through conservation of biological resources, thereby reducing land development and deforestation. Thirdly, I will demonstrate such improvement since they significantly reduce the environmental impact of agriculture. Traditional agriculture has a significant impact on the environment, and transgenic biotechnology can help reduce this impact. In the first decade of application of genetically modified crops, by planting herbicide and insect-resistant characteristics, transgenic technologies have greatly reduced the use of pesticides, saved fossil fuels and reduced carbon dioxide emissions. Undoubtedly, genetically modified crops with drought-tolerant genes will improve water-use efficiency and maintain sustainable agricultural development, which will play an important role in easing the crisis of population growth and global food shortage (Artemis D, 2009). GM crops have also contributed to reduce carbon dioxide emissions in two main ways, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and helping slow climate change. First, by reducing fuel use, the spraying of insecticides and herbicides, GM crops continue to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. In 2007, genetic engineering has been stated to reduce 1. 1 billion kilograms of carbon dioxide emissions, which is equivalent to a decrease of 50 million cars from the road. Secondly, herbicide-resistant GM crops help reduce tillage applications, which protects the land and enhances soil carbon sequestration. Conclusions Despite the many advantages of GM food, we cannot ignore the risks. After genetically modified foods have been taken into the human body, they may cause harm to human health. Moreover, after a large number of transgenic crops come into nature, they may be biologically harmful to ecosystems. Since the risks of GM food is serous, it is important for us to reflect on it first. Any of the scientific and technological developments should be comprehensive and provide well-being for human life. If genetically modified foods can only increase our economic interests and improved material life without the moral, social and environmental harmony, they cannot be defined as making great contribution to social development. Therefore, whether GM food is a benefit or a disadvantage really depends on what kind of human values people hold (Qaim M. 2009). That is the question we reflect on deeply. In contemporary society, with the rapid development of science and technology, the economic situation of the human and the material standard of living has been soaring. It seems that mankind is taking great proud for the advanced technology. However, we should look back to what the living environment we rely on is subjected to. Therefore, genetically modified foods are seen as the savior of mankind, which is actually human self-centered ideology. Of course, with the continuous development of biotechnology and genetic engineering, human beings have the ability to create more genetically modified food. Therefore, the drawbacks of genetically modified food are not the technology itself, but rather due to humans themselves. Thus, personally, I fully sanction the development of GM foods while we should objectively analyze the potential risks. Reference Artemis D. 2009. â€Å"Health risks of genetically modified foods. † Food Science and Nutrition. 49. (2):164-175. Curieux B, Vandelac L, ect. 2009. â€Å"Factors to condider before production and commercialization of aquatic genetically modified organisms: the case of transgenic salmon. † Evironmental Science & Policy. 12. (2):170-189. Magana G, Javier A, Calderon de la Barca, Ana M. 2009. â€Å"Risk assessment of genetically modified crops for nutrition and health. † Nutrition Reviews. 67 (1):1-16. Qaim M. 2009. â€Å"The economics of genetically modified crops. † Annual Review of Resource Economics. 1:665-693. Seralini GE, Mesnage R, ect. 2011. â€Å"Genetically modified crops safety assessments: present limits and possible improvements. † Environmental Sciences Europe. 23. (10): 1-10. Weasel LH. 2009. â€Å"Food Fray: Inside the Controversy over Genetically Modified Food. † American Management Association. Amacom, 86-150. Print.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Academic Monitoring System using Android application Essay

ABSTRACT The portability, open source nature of smart phones and android OS for PC on android development platform has made the development of application software for various environments as handy. In this application are resulted in paper less work, easy to use and time saving in nature. The wireless communication technology of smart phone enables the information transfer from the current client to remote database server, where ever the network range is available. The Academic Monitoring System is a mobile computing software application, which focuses on an activity or function, which is based on management information system of academic institutions. Overall the system is acting as an effective tool, in assisting the smooth functions of the academic activities of an educational institution. The entire system development is proposed with Android development platform. Keywords: Academic Monitoring System, Mobile Computing, Android based Software Systems, Online Database Management System, We b Technology. 1. INTRODUCTION The nature of portability and handy use of smart phone led them in use of various applications where ever the personal computer is applied today. This project is about â€Å"Academic Activity Monitoring System (AAMS)† (every faculties posting attendance details can be easily traced out).The system will include the information about the attendance of the students credit system to keep a their performance record. This automation system is embedded into android application which runs in android OS for PC. In present system, every faculty posting attendance details can be easily traced out. The whole session is stored in the database and at the end of the semester or session report will be generated. The existing system is not user-friendly because the computer based attendance management and monitoring activities are handled with the help of manual and keying data to the database. The existing system functions with intranet and internet capability with off time data entry into th e database. The problem of real time data entry is proposed in this project work. The inter-related databases and tables provide a flexibility of none maintenance of specific records and avoids manual calculations. This monitoring system helps the management to handle their management activities with efficiency. More secured by means of information than traditional academic activity monitoring system. 2. HETEROGENEOUS COMPUING Mobile Computing & PC Computing Distributed Computing 3. EXISTING SYSTEM The faculty activities and functionalities are monitored in manual with the help of human. Collecting all attendance details of particular hour on real time is impossible task, when it is handled manual or semi computerized. Updating the database with the help of PC based computation is not a real time activity. Demerits: Lack of in-availability of information in real time. Time delay in data updating to the database. Consume large volume of paper work. Manual work 4. PROPOSED SYSTEM The entire system development is proposed with mobile computing concepts. The proposed system will easily handle all the data and the processes handled by this system is similar to the existing system with one variant as mobile computation instead of PC computation. The monitoring system proposed here is basically an integrated web project. The proposed project can be implemented using android. It allows the user to interact with the system in a graphical user friendly way. This system eliminates the drawbacks of the existing system and provides real time availability of information in the form of reports. Portability is one of the major key factors in this project. In this system fully online data server based application. Merits: Easily check whether for attendance post or not based on real time. The top level and middle management persons can monitor their management activities from their place and no need of manual or human physical monitoring. Per day attendance details are available to the management personals on his desktop. Time saving. It is user friendly. Details: 4.1. Modules: User Module – Administrator Attendance Posting Module – Faculty Update Database Module – Attendance Internet Connectivity Module – Android Client to Web Server based Online Database, PHP Scripts 4.2. Design & Development: User Module – Administrator Frontend: Android Design Backend: PHP Scripts Deployment in Web Server, Online Database Design Attendance Posting Module – Class Attendance Details with Time and Date (Theory & Laboratory) Update Database Module – Posting Attendance Details with Time and Date, Number of Students Present and Absent. Internet Connectivity Module – Android Client Connection with Campus WIFI, Retrieving the data to online database through webserver and PHP scripts 5. CONCLUSION This project will help the professor to post attendance or not time and calculations required to update the attendance manually. Administrator to identify for faculty activities in during class hour through web services. ` 6. FUTURE ENHANCEMENTS As soon as every faculty to posting attendance details such as class hall number, subject code, staff name, number of students present and absent details easily traced out. So easily monitoring every class details and staff activities through web server. 7. REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Definition and Examples of Erotesis in Rhetoric

Definition and Examples of Erotesis in Rhetoric Definition The figure of speech known as erotesis is a  rhetorical question implying strong affirmation or denial. Also called erotema,  eperotesis and  interrogation. Adjective: erotetic. In addition, as Richard Lanham points out in A Handlist of Rhetorical Terms (1991), erotesis may be defined as a rhetorical question which implies an answer but does not give or lead us to expect one, as when Laertes rants about Ophelias madness: Do you see this, O God? (Hamlet, IV, v). See Examples and Observations below. Also see: What Is a Rhetorical Question?EcphonesisEpiplexisHypophoraInterrogative SentencePysmaQueclarativeQuestionYes-No Question EtymologyFrom the Greek, questioning Examples and Observations Was I not born in the realm? Were my parents born in any foreign country? Is not my kingdom here? Whom have I oppressed? Whom have I enriched to others harm? What turmoil have I made in this commonwealth that I should be suspected to have no regard to the same?(Queen Elizabeth I, response to a Parliamentary delegation, 1566)Was I an Irishman on that day that I boldly withstood our pride? or on the day that I hung down my head and wept in shame and silence over the humiliation of Great Britain?(Edmund Burke, Speech to the Electors of Bristol, Seprember  6, 1780)General, do you really believe that the enemy would attack without provocation, using so many missiles, bombers, and subs that we would have no choice but to totally annihilate them?(John Wood as Stephen Falken in  WarGames, 1983)Another thing that disturbs me about the American church is that you have a white church and a Negro church. How can segregation exist in the true Body of Christ?(Martin Luther King, Jr., Pauls Let ter to American Christians, 1956) Do you then really think that you have committed your follies in order to spare your son them?(Herman Hesse, Siddhartha, 1922) The Effects of Erotesis- Erotesis, or Interrogation, is a figure by which we express the emotion of our mind, and infuse an ardour and energy into our discourse by proposing questions. . . . As these questions have the force of a climax, they ought to be pronounced with increasing force to the end.(John Walker, A Rhetorical Grammar, 1814)- The design of the erotesis or interrogation is to awaken attention to the subject of discourse, and is a mode of address admirably calculated to produce a powerful impression of the truth of a subject, as it challenges the impossibility of contradiction. Thus, How long, Cataline, exclaims Cicero, will you abuse our patience?(David Williams, Composition, Literary and Rhetorical, Simplified, 1850) The Lighter Side of ErotesisYou may think that you are not superstitious. But would you walk under a burning building?(Robert Benc hley, Good Luck, and Try and Get It)D-Day: Wars over, man. Wormer dropped the big one.Bluto: Over? Did you say over? Nothing is over until we decide it is! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no!Otter: Germans?Boon: Forget it, hes rolling.(John Belushi as Bluto Blutarsky in Animal House, 1978) Pronunciation: e-ro-TEE-sis

Monday, November 4, 2019

Commercial Law and Transactions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Commercial Law and Transactions - Essay Example 30). This rule states that if a bona fide purchaser unknowingly purchases and subsequently sells stolen goods, he will be held liable in common law for the whole market price of those goods as at the date of transaction (Atiyah, 2005, p. 28). Common law states that the proper owner of the goods retains the legal title; as such, the nemo dat rule applies to the successive bona fide purchasers, implying that the actual owner can successfully bring an action against the fifth bona fide purchaser in trover as decided in Beverly Acceptances Ltd. v. Oakley, (1982) RTR 417.1 Goode (2004, p. 16) notes that even though this rule was put in place to protect the true owners of personal property and to allow them to assert their superior title over anyone else over the property, the rule propagates to a greater extent injustice to bona fide purchasers. Besides, it propagates injustice to third parties who are innocent making them lose their claim the moment the true owner appears to assert his t itle (Sealy, Hooley, and Hooley, 2008, p. 23). Therefore, in order to prevent injustice on the bona fide purchaser and third parties, there are a number of exceptions to nemo dat rule which have been put in place in English law as noted in Lowther v. Harris, (1927) 1 K.B 393.2 It is worth noting that these exceptions only provide a certain degree of protection to the bona fide purchaser and innocent third parties as well as well as the true or original owner (Goode, p. 2009, p. 45). In the English Law, this principle is clarified under the Sale of Goods Act. The Sale of Goods Act 1994 specifies that the seller has to fulfil certain responsibilities before goods are sold legally. Rose (2001, p. 14) says that one of the most important clause of this rule is the ‘retention of title’ that allows the seller to retain the title of goods until the goods have been fully paid for. This clause forms a crucial part of any standard conditions and standard of sale. In Coventry Shepa rd & Co. v Great Eastern Railway Co., (1883) 11 QBD 776 it was decided that the original owner or the person authorised to sell the goods by its owner has the right to sell the goods and the buyer is enabled to enjoy possession of those goods free from any interference from any other party.3 As has been noted, there are several statutory exceptions to the nemo dat rule and they include the following: The first exception is estoppel, which implies that the buyer will acquire the title of the goods if the owner of the goods asserts right to sell. Bridge (1997, p. 18) explains that estoppels may be raised through the following ways; conduct, words, and negligence. Estoppel by conduct is whereby the owner’s conduct indicates that he has the right to sell the goods as decided in Henderson & Co v Williams [1895] 1 QB 521.4 Estoppel by words is whereby there is an express authority by the owner that the seller has the right to dispose of the goods (Markesinis and Munday 1998, p. 34) . Estoppel by negligence arises when the owner carelessly allows his goods to come into possession of a different person and that rogue goes ahead and sells it to innocent third

Saturday, November 2, 2019

SHORT STORY QUESTIONS Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

SHORT STORY QUESTIONS - Assignment Example In the lines â€Å"and thinking nothing of it† (lines 45-46), the poem expresses how the author seems to want to have that innocence of a child, wondering how it is to be an adult, without any idea of the hardships. 2. Sexton’s life and death can make a reader view the poem as an expression of her unspoken sentiments. It seems Sexton relates to the time when she was young and carefree. Since she went through depression stages in her life, the poem could also be an expression of her thoughts on how she, like a child, tried to overcome the obstacles in her life and take giant steps to attain her goals. II. â€Å"To My Dear and Loving Husband† by Anne Bradstreet 1. In this poem, the line â€Å"If ever two were one, then surely we† is a personal favorite because it denotes the happiness and satisfaction of the wife in her married life. She considers herself one with her husband, which means her daily decisions are based on what is good for the household and th e family, and not merely for a specific individual. It also portrays how effectively the spouses are able to work on their marriage since the wife seems to know that her husband is also as happy as she is. It is a personal favorite because this bliss is a widely-coveted feeling in several unions. 2.